- Answerer 1Might as well go straight to the source...
From the Catholic Encyclopedia;
"The first four historical books of the New Testament are supplied with titles (Euaggelion kata Matthaion, Euaggelion kata Markon, etc.), which, however ancient, do not go back to the respective authors of those sacred writings. The Canon of Muratori, Clement of Alexandria, and St. Irenæus bear distinct witness to the existence of those headings in the latter part of the second century of our era. Indeed, the manner in which Clement (Stromata I.21), and St. Irenæus (Against Heresies III.11.7) employ them implies that, at that early date, our present titles to the Gospels had been in current use for some considerable time. Hence, it may be inferred that they were prefixed to the evangelical narratives as early as the first part of that same century. That, however, they do not go back to the first century of the Christian era, or at least that they are not original, is a position generally held at the present day. It is felt that since they are similar for the four Gospels, although the same Gospels were composed at some interval from each other, those titles were not framed, and consequently not prefixed to each individual narrative, before the collection of the four Gospels was actually made. Besides, as well pointed out by Prof. Bacon, "the historical books of the New Testament differ from its apocalyptic and epistolary literature, as those of the Old Testament differ from its prophecy, in being invariably anonymous, and for the same reason. Prophecies whether in the earlier or in the later sense, and letters, to have authority, must be referable to some individual; the greater his name, the better. But history was regarded as a common possession. Its facts spoke for themselves. Only as the springs of common recollection began to dwindle, and marked differences to appear between the well-informed and accurate Gospels and the untrustworthy . . . did it become worth while for the Christian teacher or apologist to specify whether the given representation of the current tradition was 'according to' this or that special compiler, and to state his qualifications". It thus appears that the present titles of the Gospels are not traceable to the Evangelists themselves."0% 0 Votes - Answerer 2They Were Borne Along by Holy Spirit
http://wol.jw.org/en/wol/s/r1/lp-e?q=bible+writers&p=par0% 0 Votes- 1 Rating: Good Answer
- 4 Rating: Bad Answer
- Answerer 3Yeah. In fact, the writing you see in your bible today is actually hand-written by them!
Certified furry!0% 0 Votes- 2 Rating: Good Answer
- 6 Rating: Bad Answer
- Answerer 4Well an example from Matthew.
“And as Jesus passed forth from thence, he saw a man, named Matthew, sitting at the receipt of custom: and he said unto him, Follow me. And he arose, and followed him.” (Matthew 9:9).
See what pronoun is there , should not that been "I" instead of he.
Above verse does not even contain the words of the Jesus either, it is a third person an eye witness of the event.Source(s):
25% 1 Vote- 2
- Answerer 5Yes they were individually, But they were all inspired by God.
A Friend0% 0 Votes- 5 Rating: Good Answer
- 5 Rating: Bad Answer
- Answerer 6Yeah. They may not have written them out in their own hand, but dictated them to a scribe, but it's still the same.0% 0 Votes
- Answerer 7I would say yes, there is plenty of controversy over this, many bible critics. but you get to a point where you know the word of God and know these were written by the authors that the gospel currently have.0% 0 Votes
- 2 Rating: Good Answer
- 4 Rating: Bad Answer
- Answerer 8No one took dictation when they spoke and the Apostles never attended school, so they lacked reading and writing skills.0% 0 Votes
- 2 Rating: Good Answer
- 1 Rating: Bad Answer
- Answerer 9The only firsthand testimony that we have about the life and teachings of Jesus comes from the four Gospels. Who were the people that wrote these books?
The authorship is credited to Matthew, Mark, Luke, and John. There are three basic reasons why we believe the men bearing their names wrote the four gospels.
The evidence is clear and convincing. The traditional belief that Matthew, Mark, Luke, and John wrote the four gospels is the only view that fits the known facts. - Answerer 10A lot of people say that they are not. The synoptic gospels are either drawn, at least in part, from the same source, of from different eyewitnesses of the same events. The Gospel of John deals with Jesus' Judean ministry.0% 0 Votes
- 0 Rating: Good Answer
- 1 Rating: Bad Answer
- Answerer 11Of course not.
First of all, the Gospels originally appeared in Greek and the disciples would have been illiterate peasants who spoke Aramaic.
Second, they did not appear for at least 1 generation after the supposed events.
Third, all of the Gospels are derived from Mark and Mark gives all the signs of being a work of fiction, with ideas and motifs directly taken from The Odyssey.
Fourth, the oldest of the books of the new testament are Paul's letters and he makes no mention of the miracles, deeds or sayings of Jesus. When he references "the scriptures" you must keep in mind that the Gospels had not been written, so he was referring to the old testament (which itself has very dubious claims at being anchored in real events).
Furthermore, there are mistakes in translation in new testament references to the old testament because whoever wrote the gospels could not read Hebrew and had to rely upon the Greek translation in the Septuagint, which contains numerous well-documented translation errors.
You can confirm any of the above in the library of any university with a humanities department. - Answerer 12No. The gospels do not say who wrote them. It was common, extremely common, for ancient writers to attribute a work of literature to a more famous individual. Since all books had to be copied by hand, and this was long and tedious and expensive, claiming your work was by someone more famous would make the book more likely to be copied. The earliest gospel was written no earlier than 40 years after Jesus. We know this because the earliest gospel mentions the Jewish temple being destroyed, which didn't happen until 70 CE. That would have put the original apostles into old age, or they were already dead. In all likelihood it was the followers of the followers of Jesus, at best, who wrote down stories that were passed down orally. In all probability it was probably even later generations. The reason it took the early church so long to write their stories down was because they absolutely thought the world was going to end at any moment, so there wasn't initially a need to write the stories down because making copies of books took so long and was expensive. It was far quicker, and cheaper, at that time to just go out and preach to people.
- 1 Rating: Bad Answer
- Answerer 13.
MATTHEW: Author: Matthew
Matthew was a disciple of Jesus and a former publican (tax collector). Mark and Luke refer to him as Levi.
Matthew’s object seems to be to show that Jesus was the long-expected Messiah, that His life was the fulfilling of the Old Testament prophecies relating to the Messiah. Thus it is that, more than a dozen times after describing some event in Jesus’ life, he makes a statement such as, “that it might be fulfilled which was spoken by the prophets.” By one count Matthew refers to the kingdom 55 different times, and the “kingdom of heaven” 35 times. It is said that Matthew quotes more from the Old Testament than any other New Testament writer.
Of the 1 5 parables recorded by Matthew all but three begin: “The kingdom of heaven is like . . .
Matthew and Luke are the only two who wrote of the Genealogy of Christ, but with noticeable differences. In Matthew His Genealogy is traced back to Abraham, father of the Jewish nation (Matthew 1:1-17); Luke traces it back to Adam (Luke 3:38), the father of the human family, showing that He belongs to each one of us, as well as to the Jewish nation.
Only Matthew records the visit of the Wise Men from the East at Jesus’ birth and of the flight into Egypt.
MARK: Author: Mark
Mark is described as the son of a woman named Mary (Mark 12: 12), and a cousin of Paul’s missionary companion Barnabas (Col. 4: 10). Mark begins his Gospel by introducing John the Baptist as the herald of the Messiah. He demonstrates that Jesus is the Son of God by the works He accomplished during His brief stay on earth.
In the King James Version all but four of the sixteen chapters of Mark begin with the word and illustrating how Christ’s life and service are a complete, perfect whole. The word and is said to appear 1,375 times in this short book.
Mark is the shortest of all the Gospels, and very little is found here that is not in the other Gospels. It is the first of the four Gospels to be written.
Mark, who depicts Jesus as a man of action, records twenty of Jesus’ miracles in detail, but only four parables.
LUKE: Author: Luke
Luke was a Gentile physician, and sometime companion of Paul (Acts 16:10-24; 2 Tim. 4:11; Col. 4:14). It is obvious from his writings that he was an educated man, with a wide cultural back-ground. Scholars believe he wrote for Greek readers. Thus, writing for Gentiles, he traces Christ’s ancestry back to Adam, the father of the race. Matthew, writing for Jews, traces it back to Abraham.
Luke, the longest of the Gospels, gives the longest account of Jesus and the only one of His childhood, including His visit to the Temple at the age of 12. Only he records the visit of the shepherds at His birth.
Luke’s portrayal of Jesus as one with humanity, sympathetic to human needs, is in keeping with Paul’s description of him as “the beloved physician” (Col. 4:14). Thus he relates the stories of the good Samaritan (Luke 10:33); the publican (chapter 18:13); the prodigal (chapter 15:11-24); Zacchaeus (chapter 19:2); and the thief on the cross (chapter 23:43).
He alone tells of Jesus’ beholding the city of Jerusalem and weeping over it, of His bloody sweat in Gethsemane, and of His showing mercy to the dying thief on the cross.
JOHN: Author: John
John, a Galilean from Bethsaida, on the Sea of Galilee, was the youngest of Jesus’ disciples. His Gospel, written when he was very old, toward the close of the first century, is quite different from the others. One reason for this is that he describes Jesus’ Judean ministry, whereas the other writers deal with His Galilean.
John begins his book by turning our minds to “the beginning” of Creation, and portrays Jesus as God, before all things, the Creator of all, who “was made flesh, and dwelt among us.”
The key word is believe, which appears in the book almost 100 times. The key test is chapter 20:31. The purpose of the book is to lead men to believe that Jesus is the Messiah, the Son of God.
John alone relates the story of Christ’s first miracle at Cana, the interview with Nicodemus, the raising of Lazarus, His commending His mother to the care of John at the cross, and the triumphant shout, “It is finished.”
.0% 0 Votes- 0 Rating: Good Answer
- 3 Rating: Bad Answer
- Answerer 14Yes, basically. However, the actual writing was often carried out by disciples of the disciple.
Interestingly, with the recent scholarship on the Dead Sea Scrolls, new evidence points to the authorship of the traditional authors. Rev. Reginald Fuller, an Episcopalian and Professor Emeritus at Virginia Theological Seminary, with Dr. Carsten Thiede, has analyzed three papyrus fragments from the 26th chapter of the Gospel of Matthew; the fragments date to the year 40, which would indicate that the author was an eyewitness to our Lord's public ministry. Father Jose O'Callaghan, S.J., studying fragments of the Gospel of Mark and using paleographic means, dated them at 50, again indicating an eyewitness author. Finally, Episcopalian Bishop John Robinson also posited from his research that all four Gospels were written between 40 and 65, with John's being possibly the earliest. This new research is not only questioning some of the modern scholarship [and dating] but also supporting the traditional authorship.
25% 1 Vote- 1 Rating: Good Answer
- 4 Rating: Bad Answer
- Answerer 15According to the scholars, probably not...
It was not unusual at the time to name writings after others... no one knows for sure...
And since they were written so long after the fact, the ideas of direct quotation is also highly unlikely... and they have not been able to verify very much of any of the claims...
IMHO0% 0 Votes- 5 Rating: Good Answer
- 2 Rating: Bad Answer
- Answerer 16None of the disciples wrote anything, because they were illiterate fishermen, who spoke Aramaic. But, supposedly, they told tales that were retold by others, and after many versions and many retellings, (for a few generations) were finally written down by someone, translated into Greek. That was just the start of the long and tortured process that lead to the words you read in English, today, in the Bible.
John PopelishSource(s):
"How the bible got changed. Bart Ehrman's 'Misquoting Jesus' Speech at Stanford University"
http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=P0zWbL8Uq…50% 2 Votes- 4 Rating: Good Answer
- 1
Friday, June 28, 2013
Is the Gospel of Matthew Written by Matthew, Mark Gospel by Mark? Luke Gospel by Luke? John Gospel by John?
Tuesday, June 25, 2013
the Trinity
most difficult thing about the Christian concept of the Trinity is that there is
no way to perfectly and completely understand it. The Trinity is a concept that
is impossible for any human being to fully understand, let alone explain. God is
infinitely greater than we are; therefore, we should not expect to be able to
fully understand Him. The Bible teaches that the Father is God, that Jesus is
God, and that the Holy Spirit is God. The Bible also teaches that there is only
one God. Though we can understand some facts about the relationship of the
different Persons of the Trinity to one another, ultimately, it is
incomprehensible to the human mind. However, this does not mean the Trinity is
not true or that it is not based on the teachings of the Bible.
The Trinity is one God existing in three Persons. Understand that this is not in any way suggesting three Gods. Keep in mind when studying this subject that the word “Trinity” is not found in Scripture. This is a term that is used to attempt to describe the triune God—three coexistent, co-eternal Persons who make up God. Of real importance is that the concept represented by the word “Trinity” does exist in Scripture. The following is what God’s Word says about the Trinity:
Read more: http://www.gotquestions.org/Trinity-Bible.html#ixzz2XFVar0V9
The Trinity is one God existing in three Persons. Understand that this is not in any way suggesting three Gods. Keep in mind when studying this subject that the word “Trinity” is not found in Scripture. This is a term that is used to attempt to describe the triune God—three coexistent, co-eternal Persons who make up God. Of real importance is that the concept represented by the word “Trinity” does exist in Scripture. The following is what God’s Word says about the Trinity:
Read more: http://www.gotquestions.org/Trinity-Bible.html#ixzz2XFVar0V9
Why Jews Reject Jesus?
There wasn't anything to "accept". Jesus is as irrelevant to Judaism as the objects of worship of any and all other religions.
Since Christianity is a replacement theology that purports to simultaneously negate and "fulfill" the eternal covenant of Israel, the Torah, while putting forth an antithetical and blasphemous nature of God to that in Torah and contradictory to what ALL Israel witnessed with their direct encounter with the Divine at Sinai.....why do Christians reject God's Torah ( teaching/ mitzvot)?
The New Testament rejects the nature of God, the nature of the relationship between God and man, the nature and function of the Davidic messiah, and the purpose of the eternal covenant and claims entitlement to mistranslated, misrepresent, and demonize the covenant nation people and the Holy Scriptures of Judaism.
If you are a Christian theist, the authors of that doctrine had to reject the eternal covenant of Torah to create the replacement theology of the Old and New Testament. As a monotheist who believes there is one incorporeal Creator and as a Jew, I only worship God
And because God specifically told ALL Israel who heard God in the midst of the flames, tell them God does not become a man, the dogma of the Christian replacement theology is antithetical to Torah and IT rejects God's commandments at Sinai.
If you are a Christian theist, you rejected Torah and the context of the texts that the authors of your New Testament adapted into an "Old Testament"
New Testament adherents REJECT God's commandments..given at Sinai..and do not believe that God told all Israel God does not become a man.(otherwise how could they say Jesus is God incarnate)
New Testament adherents don't follow God's covenant that affirms God is an incporporeal ONE affirmed by ALL Israel who were direct witness to God and what they heard from God when they declared Hear O Israel, the Lord is our God, the Lord is ONE
New Testament adherents reject Torah's foundation precept that is affirmed in Talmud that all humans are equal before God and equally capable to know God to believe that only those who consider Jesus as a god incarnate and believe his human sacrifice atoned for a sinful nature and all sins, may know God and merit blessing.
Christian dogma REJECTS God's Torah ( covenant/teaching) that declares human sacrifice to be an abomination and the nature of God revealed in Torah of humans being born with no burden of sin but both a good inclination and an evil inclination and the capacity to master our evil inclination.
Christians reject God telling Moses that no man may take on the sin of another.
The Christian religion's dogma of its Old and New Testament is one that claimed connection to the Holy Scriptures of Judaism to justify their own dogma, but only through display of entitlement to redefine every aspect of it and demonize Jews who refuse to abandon God's mitzvot. Christianity came about through rejection of Torah and attempts to syncretize Greek and Hellenist beliefs of savior kings and an underworld ruled by a demon deity for evil doers and negate the Jews as a distinct covenant nation people with our own laws of self-determination.
Your question is backward.
EDIT While all of the answers claiming to be from Christians here are both insulting and arrogant and not true at all, I must once again laugh at Fireball's answer that she repeats when this q is asked..
there is NO Jewish record of Jesus existing at all contemporary to his lifetime..where she gets the idea that Jews believed his body was stolen comes from her dogma..not from Jews ..and IF Jesus had been resurrected..then they're waiting on his THIRD try to do at least ONE thing God promised of the Davidic messiah as he still did absolutely nothing God promised of the messiah. There is no reason to believe he was the messiah since he failed on every account and the NT genealogy for him DISQUALIFIED him according to God's commandments in Tanakh as two of his ancestors were cursed from ever having any descendants sit on the throne as the came from wicked and sometimes even non Jewish kings..therefore..there was nothing that even made him a candidate TO reject if the NT record of him is accurate. So..they can't have it both ways. Posting fallacies here about Jews is bearing false witness
The messianic age will be one in which a humble ruler of Israel will usher in universal brotherhood, peace and all will know God and observe God's mitzvot without being taught..meaning we won't have anyone bearing false witness against us. The Christian answers to this question that lie about why Jesus is irrelevant to Judaism are actually objective evidence against their Jesus having been the messiah! and clearly show we're not in a post messianic age.
Since Christianity is a replacement theology that purports to simultaneously negate and "fulfill" the eternal covenant of Israel, the Torah, while putting forth an antithetical and blasphemous nature of God to that in Torah and contradictory to what ALL Israel witnessed with their direct encounter with the Divine at Sinai.....why do Christians reject God's Torah ( teaching/ mitzvot)?
The New Testament rejects the nature of God, the nature of the relationship between God and man, the nature and function of the Davidic messiah, and the purpose of the eternal covenant and claims entitlement to mistranslated, misrepresent, and demonize the covenant nation people and the Holy Scriptures of Judaism.
If you are a Christian theist, the authors of that doctrine had to reject the eternal covenant of Torah to create the replacement theology of the Old and New Testament. As a monotheist who believes there is one incorporeal Creator and as a Jew, I only worship God
And because God specifically told ALL Israel who heard God in the midst of the flames, tell them God does not become a man, the dogma of the Christian replacement theology is antithetical to Torah and IT rejects God's commandments at Sinai.
If you are a Christian theist, you rejected Torah and the context of the texts that the authors of your New Testament adapted into an "Old Testament"
New Testament adherents REJECT God's commandments..given at Sinai..and do not believe that God told all Israel God does not become a man.(otherwise how could they say Jesus is God incarnate)
New Testament adherents don't follow God's covenant that affirms God is an incporporeal ONE affirmed by ALL Israel who were direct witness to God and what they heard from God when they declared Hear O Israel, the Lord is our God, the Lord is ONE
New Testament adherents reject Torah's foundation precept that is affirmed in Talmud that all humans are equal before God and equally capable to know God to believe that only those who consider Jesus as a god incarnate and believe his human sacrifice atoned for a sinful nature and all sins, may know God and merit blessing.
Christian dogma REJECTS God's Torah ( covenant/teaching) that declares human sacrifice to be an abomination and the nature of God revealed in Torah of humans being born with no burden of sin but both a good inclination and an evil inclination and the capacity to master our evil inclination.
Christians reject God telling Moses that no man may take on the sin of another.
The Christian religion's dogma of its Old and New Testament is one that claimed connection to the Holy Scriptures of Judaism to justify their own dogma, but only through display of entitlement to redefine every aspect of it and demonize Jews who refuse to abandon God's mitzvot. Christianity came about through rejection of Torah and attempts to syncretize Greek and Hellenist beliefs of savior kings and an underworld ruled by a demon deity for evil doers and negate the Jews as a distinct covenant nation people with our own laws of self-determination.
Your question is backward.
EDIT While all of the answers claiming to be from Christians here are both insulting and arrogant and not true at all, I must once again laugh at Fireball's answer that she repeats when this q is asked..
there is NO Jewish record of Jesus existing at all contemporary to his lifetime..where she gets the idea that Jews believed his body was stolen comes from her dogma..not from Jews ..and IF Jesus had been resurrected..then they're waiting on his THIRD try to do at least ONE thing God promised of the Davidic messiah as he still did absolutely nothing God promised of the messiah. There is no reason to believe he was the messiah since he failed on every account and the NT genealogy for him DISQUALIFIED him according to God's commandments in Tanakh as two of his ancestors were cursed from ever having any descendants sit on the throne as the came from wicked and sometimes even non Jewish kings..therefore..there was nothing that even made him a candidate TO reject if the NT record of him is accurate. So..they can't have it both ways. Posting fallacies here about Jews is bearing false witness
The messianic age will be one in which a humble ruler of Israel will usher in universal brotherhood, peace and all will know God and observe God's mitzvot without being taught..meaning we won't have anyone bearing false witness against us. The Christian answers to this question that lie about why Jesus is irrelevant to Judaism are actually objective evidence against their Jesus having been the messiah! and clearly show we're not in a post messianic age.
The Jews rejected Jesus because He failed, in their eyes, to do what
they expected their Messiah to do—destroy evil and all their enemies and
establish an eternal kingdom with Israel as the preeminent nation in the world.
The prophecies in Isaiah and Psalm 22 describe a suffering Messiah who would be
persecuted and killed, but the Jews chose to focus instead on those prophecies
that discuss His glorious victories, not His crucifixion.
The commentaries in the Talmud, written before the onset of Christianity, clearly discuss the Messianic prophecies of Isaiah 53 and Psalm 22 and puzzle over how these would be fulfilled with the glorious setting up of the kingdom of the Messiah. After the church used these prophecies to prove the claims of Christ, the Jews took the position that the prophecies did not refer to the Messiah, but to Israel or some other person.
The Jews believed that the Messiah, the prophet which Moses spoke about, would come and deliver them from Roman bondage and set up a kingdom where they would be the rulers. Two of the disciples, James and John, even asked to sit at Jesus' right and left in His kingdom when He came into His glory. The people of Jerusalem also thought He would deliver them. They shouted praises to God for the mighty works they had seen Jesus do, and called out "Hosanna, save us" when He rode into Jerusalem on a donkey (Matthew 21:9). They treated Him like a conquering king. Then when He allowed Himself to be arrested, tried and crucified on a cursed cross, the people stopped believing that He was the promised prophet. They rejected their Messiah (Matthew 27:22).
Note that Paul tells the church that the spiritual blindness of Israel is a "mystery" that had not previously been revealed (Romans chapters 9-11). For thousands of years, Israel had been the one nation that looked to God while the Gentile nations generally rejected the light and chose to live in spiritual darkness. Israel and her inspired prophets revealed monotheism—one God who was personally interested in mankind's destiny of heaven or hell, the path to salvation, the written Word with the Ten Commandments. Yet Israel rejected her prophesied Messiah, and the promises of the kingdom of heaven were postponed. A veil of spiritual blindness fell upon the eyes of the Jews who previously were the most spiritually discerning people. As Paul explained, this hardening on the part of Israel led to the blessing of the Gentiles who would believe in Jesus and accept Him as Lord and Savior.
Two thousand years after He came to the nation of Israel as their Messiah, Christ is still (for the most part) rejected by the Jews. Many Jews today (some say at least half of all living Jews) identify themselves as Jewish but prefer to remain “secular.” They identify with no particular Jewish movement and have no understanding or affiliation with any Jewish biblical roots. The concept of Messiah as expressed in the Hebrew Scriptures or Judaism’s “13 Principles of Faith” is foreign to most Jews today.
But one concept is generally held as universal: Jews must have nothing to do with Jesus! Most Jews today perceive the last 2,000 years of historical Jewish persecution to be at the hands of so-called “Christians.” From the Crusades, to the Inquisition, to the pogroms in Europe, to Hitler’s Holocaust—Jews ultimately believe that they are being held responsible for the death of Jesus Christ and are being persecuted for that reason. They, therefore, reject Him today.
Read more: http://www.gotquestions.org/
The commentaries in the Talmud, written before the onset of Christianity, clearly discuss the Messianic prophecies of Isaiah 53 and Psalm 22 and puzzle over how these would be fulfilled with the glorious setting up of the kingdom of the Messiah. After the church used these prophecies to prove the claims of Christ, the Jews took the position that the prophecies did not refer to the Messiah, but to Israel or some other person.
The Jews believed that the Messiah, the prophet which Moses spoke about, would come and deliver them from Roman bondage and set up a kingdom where they would be the rulers. Two of the disciples, James and John, even asked to sit at Jesus' right and left in His kingdom when He came into His glory. The people of Jerusalem also thought He would deliver them. They shouted praises to God for the mighty works they had seen Jesus do, and called out "Hosanna, save us" when He rode into Jerusalem on a donkey (Matthew 21:9). They treated Him like a conquering king. Then when He allowed Himself to be arrested, tried and crucified on a cursed cross, the people stopped believing that He was the promised prophet. They rejected their Messiah (Matthew 27:22).
Note that Paul tells the church that the spiritual blindness of Israel is a "mystery" that had not previously been revealed (Romans chapters 9-11). For thousands of years, Israel had been the one nation that looked to God while the Gentile nations generally rejected the light and chose to live in spiritual darkness. Israel and her inspired prophets revealed monotheism—one God who was personally interested in mankind's destiny of heaven or hell, the path to salvation, the written Word with the Ten Commandments. Yet Israel rejected her prophesied Messiah, and the promises of the kingdom of heaven were postponed. A veil of spiritual blindness fell upon the eyes of the Jews who previously were the most spiritually discerning people. As Paul explained, this hardening on the part of Israel led to the blessing of the Gentiles who would believe in Jesus and accept Him as Lord and Savior.
Two thousand years after He came to the nation of Israel as their Messiah, Christ is still (for the most part) rejected by the Jews. Many Jews today (some say at least half of all living Jews) identify themselves as Jewish but prefer to remain “secular.” They identify with no particular Jewish movement and have no understanding or affiliation with any Jewish biblical roots. The concept of Messiah as expressed in the Hebrew Scriptures or Judaism’s “13 Principles of Faith” is foreign to most Jews today.
But one concept is generally held as universal: Jews must have nothing to do with Jesus! Most Jews today perceive the last 2,000 years of historical Jewish persecution to be at the hands of so-called “Christians.” From the Crusades, to the Inquisition, to the pogroms in Europe, to Hitler’s Holocaust—Jews ultimately believe that they are being held responsible for the death of Jesus Christ and are being persecuted for that reason. They, therefore, reject Him today.
Read more: http://www.gotquestions.org/
Thursday, June 6, 2013
بكلمة؟ ......1.
قال للمفلوج: قم، فقام! .......2.
قال للمخلع: امشي، فمشى!3
. قال للاعمى: ابصر، فابصر! ......
.4. قال للابرص: اطهر، فطهر! .......5
. قال للخاطىء: مغفورة لك خطاياك، فغفرت! .......6
. قال للمشلول: مد يدك، فمدها! .......
7. قال للمنحية، استقيمي، فاستقامت! .......8
. قال للنازفة: ابرئي، فبرئت! .......9
. قال للاصم: اسمع، فسمع! .......10
. قال للميت: قم، فقام! .......11
. قال للشيطان: اخرج، فخرج! .......12
. قال للسمكة: تعالي، فجائت! .......13
. قال للديك: صيح، فصاح! .......14
. قال للريح: اسكت، فسكت! .......15
. قال للبحر: اهدأ، فهدء! .......
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